Port of Los Angeles C-Street/Interstate 110 Access Ramp Improvements
- Improve the flow of traffic from the I-110 Freeway ramp at C Street by consolidating two closely-spaced intersections and facilitating heavy right-turn volumes with free-flowing turn lanes
- Enhanced connectivity to the designated National Highway intermodal connectors of Figueroa Street and Harry Bridges Boulevard
- MBI initiated and maintained a Public Outreach Plan, working in conjunction with the Port of Los Angeles and Caltrans
- Facilitated and documented various types of meetings between the Project Team, Agencies, and the various effected groups
- Updated logs including Submittal, RFI, AIA, RFQ, closure and correspondence
- Utilized in-house graphic studios to design and print all of the necessary collateral materials
- Provided door-to-door outreach notice to the surrounding community and business that were impacted to route detours